Who would’ve thought that there were so many folks not only interested in herbs, but also wanting to learn more?! I was delighted to see so many folks looking for as much information as they could find about herbs! What a treat! I’ve been an herbalist for 30 years, and have believed up to now, that there were only “a few” people who were interested in learning about herbs. Boy was I ever wrong, but it’s a mistake I’m delighted to correct at this time.:)

The Northwest Herbal Fair was everything I could’ve hoped for with teachers instructing on wildharvest, spiritual connections to plant medicine, and wonderful music to delight sights and sounds. There was also great food, wonderful vendors (man it took a lot of willpower not to buy much in sight!!), sublime scenery, and people from all walks, persuasions and ages, ranging from toddler to grandpa and myself!:)

Now this is what I call an Herbal CELEBRATION!! Best of all, it is already rescheduled for next August, 2012, third weekend.:) THis is one event I want to make an annual event. Mark your calendars!

While you’re here, check out the Herbalgram ppt. presentation I gave there. I will be teaching another class on Sept. 17, 2011, at 1:00 pm, on herbal care and the immune system. Look forward to sharing that information with everyone as well soon!


Meg Turner, MH, HT, MA

“Promoting well-being in mind, body, & spirit naturally”

Black Cohash

Traditionally a “woman’s herb”